translator certificate
Published on Dec 8, 2017 - Updated on Oct 1, 2024

MotaWord Translator Certificate


What a rich year of growth we have seen here at MotaWord. We would like to review and remind you of some noteworthy accomplishments and updates as we near December 31st.

Our Paris and Istanbul offices continue to solidly contribute to our revenue growth. After signing a partnership agreement with WeWork, we are now providing our translation services to WeWork members . As we approach the year end, translation jobs on our platform have increased five-fold and, most importantly, our global translator base of only 8,500 people at the beginning of this year is now well over 13,500!

Our translators had asked us back in January for a way of recognizing and incentivizing their contributions on MotaWord. We care deeply about our translators’ feedback, so we gladly obliged and instituted the MotaWord Translator Certificate program.

This simple and elegant solution operates cumulatively in thresholds of 10, 25, 50 and 100 projects worked on and completed during a calendar year. Once one of our professional translators has reached a threshold, a corresponding certificate of achievement from MotaWord is awarded automatically to the translator’s dashboard.

From there, our translators can download these certificates or share them on their social media channels with a single click.

As of today, we have:

489 translators who worked on over 10 projects

129 translators who have worked on over 25 projects

25 translators who have worked on over 50 projects, and

2 translators with over 100 projects

That’s 645 certificates awarded throughout our global translator base this year alone! Congratulations, all.

We would like to take a moment to give special thanks to Mr. Ramadhan Rajab for being the first translator to reach the 100 projects threshold. Come the early days of 2018, he will be rewarded further with a special $100 gift directly deposited into his MotaWord account. Congratulations Ramadhan, and thank you for all the work you do for our translation clients.

As we say goodbye to 2017, we would like to remind our talented and dedicated professional translators to download and save their certificates. Please save PDF versions of all your certificates for your records—come December 31st, all certificates will be deleted from our system and we will all start fresh at zero for the New Year.

Each certificate received will appear on your translation dashboard. We encourage you to save and share your earned certificates on any social media platforms -- we would like to embolden our translators to showcase themselves; we can all grow together to become an even more successful community!

From all of us at MotaWord, we wish you a productive and innovative 2018. Have a happy season, wherever you are.

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Published on Dec 8, 2017

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This article was translated by MotaWord Active Machine Translation.

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