
Best practices for dealing with other translators in a collaborative environment; more questions about the MotaWord translation app; information on the MotaWord translation platform development roadmap and focus. These questions are asked by MotaWord’s professional translators and answered in this video by MotaWord founder Evren Ay. You can follow through the provided script for quick answers or watch the video directly.

For more in-depth information about MotaWord's professional translators this article is a must-read also: "[Professional Translators have the ‘Write’ Stuff]("

Here is the full script of the video:

Hi Marcos, great to see you this week again.

Hey Evren. Let's see what questions we have. OK. Today we have questions from Francesca and Agnieszka

Francesca asks, “when I did my proofreading translators were in the job, and they sent me many, often silly, questions. This makes it hard to concentrate and is not good in my opinion.”

Ok well, welcome to a collaborative translation platform. Things should happen perfectly, but things - as often as not, do not happen perfectly. Sometimes people have questions, sometimes those questions are asked after not having done the proper leg work. They don't check the project. They don't actually look at the style guide or, they actually do not really pay attention. And sometimes it is true that as proofreaders you bear the burden of having to answer questions. The way that collaboration works on MotaWord is - you know Francesa already - is, there is a comments section while you are working and it is very important for you to pay attention to what translators are doing during the project. But the comments also come to your inbox as an email. And those could be of course if you have message notifications that pop up both on email and on the comments section; those could be a little bit disturbing. I think we could do a better job there frankly. And since our last meeting, we have been thinking about it. And we are going to look at whether we could do a better job of getting those notifications to at least be one notification, rather than multiple notifications. So thank you for the idea. That is one of the reasons why we do these meetings in the first place.

And next, Agnieszka asks "hi guys is there any chance to make the Motaword translation app better? I have an Android device and it takes me forever to upload the content and then I still can't see the project."

Ok. This question was answered last week. In last week's video Oytun answered it. I wasn't here. And I am going to go with the same answer. But during the meeting actually I remember that the translation app in Agnieszka’s case didn't work because she had very low wireless connectivity. Now I have to be honest, to that we cannot really do anything, because the app needs to connect to our servers to constantly exchange data, get new data and read and write into the database of the translation management system that you are working on. But even without that, even without the wireless issue - yes - we are constantly working on making the app better. In fact, the second version of the app is really ready to be rolled out, probably this week, if not next and we are really focusing on doing most of our translation functions through the app rather than taking our translators to their desktops. Throughout our existence as MotaWord, our clients have preferred sending us shortly, but really quick turnaround and high quality requiring translation jobs and we realize that those can be better done on the app rather than taking our translators up to their desktop work environments to translate something.

And finally, and you may have partially answered this last question. It came up in a conversation with Francesca and Agnieszka "what are the plan's steps to enhance and upgrade the platform and make it more user-friendly?"

Definitely when it comes to the translators, just like I said 2 seconds ago, making sure that the mobile technologies we use are up to par or even better than what else is out there. Because I really don't think there are many other mobile-oriented or focused collaborative translation platforms out there. That is number 1. Number 2 is, of course, listening to our translators and proofreaders and learning from their approaches to translation work, learning from what works best and learning from what really doesn't work and adjusting our work profile to that. We are all learning how things should happen and how they should not happen - I am not talking about bugs or edge-case scenarios where you get lots of tags in a translation project or you actually are having difficulties accessing translation jobs because they come at a time when you are not awake, etc. - those kinds of issues we really cannot do much about - but when it comes to your work area, when it comes to the translation or translating using an app or a mobile device like a tablet and your desktop and the integrations of those, we are definitely working on those issues full time. And we are getting better every week.


Thank you so much, Marcos, see you next week.

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Published on Dec 2, 2019

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This article was translated by MotaWord Active Machine Translation.

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