crowdfunding for business
Published on Jun 20, 2014 - Updated on Oct 1, 2024

Crowdfunding and Translation


The world of the Internet is made up of more than just English speakers.

In fact, 73% of Internet users speak a different language. This important fact is well known to global companies. But as an entrepreneur, have you considered how to reach new audiences to fund your projects?

Last year, legendary Japanese game designer Keiji Inafune (best known as illustrator and co-designer of the Mega Man character) started a new project called Mighty No. 9. Inafune’s project was able to raise over $200,000; an impressive feat.

But the English translation of the Mighty No. 9 project, on Kickstarter, ended up raising an astonishing $3,845,170. It was the 3rd most successful Kickstarter project by total funds pledged and over 400% of the original goal. The Japanese developer reports that the people of the United States were top of the list among the backers, with many pledges coming from the Middle East and Europe.

The trustworthy translation was always too expensive--and who would trust their business plan to a machine? But now, you could be using MotaWord to reach new audiences that could fund your projects. Think globally: use MotaWord to translate your idea into different languages and spread your message across the globe.

How about another example of international crowdfunding? Indiegogo, another crowdfunding site, currently engages speakers of English, German, French, and Spanish. The project is known as Canary: The first smart home security device for everyone raised $1,961,494, making it the most successfully funded campaign on Indiegogo to date. By the end of its campaign, Canary had contributions from 7,460 individuals in 78 different countries.

If you have a great idea that you are trying to get funded, remember the other 73%.

Just visit MotaWord, upload your text and select the languages you’d like to target. Get your message out in more than one language.

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Published on Jun 20, 2014

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