Where will the next generation of translators come from? In Europe, this translation contest for secondary school students suggests the pipeline is strong.
The yearly Juvenes Translatores contest supports and celebrates language learning and translating. Many of the participating students go on to study for careers in interpreting and translating. And all come away with a deeper appreciation for the skill and dedication required to be a good translator.
Applications are now open for the Juvenes Translatores 2019 translation contest for secondary school students in the European Union. The competition will take place from 10am to noon, Central European Times on 21, November 2019. The final date to apply is October 20th, 2019.
“The European Commission's Directorate-General for Translation (DG Translation) runs Juvenes Translatores 2019, an online translation contest for secondary schools in the European Union.”
Not all schools that apply will be selected to participate in this translation contest. If your school is selected, it can, in turn, chose 2 - 5 participants to take part in the competition.
If you are familiar with this competition you should note, the competition has moved online. No more pencils and paper. Once the applying schools have been selected then each of those schools selects 2 - 5 students to compete.
What languages
Participants can choose to translate from any official EU language into any other official EU language. The official EU languages are: Bulgarian (BG), Croatian (HR), Czech (CS), Danish (DA), Dutch (NL), English (EN), Estonian (ET), Finnish (FI), French (FR), German (DE), Greek (EL), Hungarian (HU), Irish (GA), Italian (IT), Latvian (LV), Lithuanian (LT), Maltese (MT), Polish (PL), Portuguese (PT), Romanian (RO), Slovak (SK), Slovenian (SL), Spanish (ES) and Swedish (SV).
During the competition, no digital translation tools may be used but paper dictionaries, either monolingual or bilingual, may be used.
Each submitted translation will be reviewed by a panel of professional translators and revisors from DG Translators. A jury will select the best translation from each EU country and special mention will be awarded to up to 10% of the most excellent translations.
The criteria used to judge translations are:
- accuracy of translation
- ability to write correctly (grammar and choice of expressions)
- ability to write fluently, and
- the creativity of translation solutions
The awards ceremony will take place in Brussels in the Spring of 2020.
View a brief overview of the competition process:
MotaWord is delighted to hear this translation contest is extremely popular. We applaud the students and teachers involved in connecting the peoples of the world through translating. We like to think we’re a part of that good work and if you make the leap into professional translating, join some of the best translators on the planet on the MotaWord platform. Check back in with us as we plan to list all translation contests and other opportunities for the translation community.
For more information and for your school to apply go here.
About MotaWord
MotaWord is the world’s fastest professional translation platform. Through the use of cloud technologies, smart algorithms that manage projects around the clock, and over 17 thousand professional translators, MotaWord provides high-quality translations in any language 60% cheaper and 20 times faster than traditional translation agencies.