Valentine’s Day isn’t all roses for everyone. This year we present you with a linguistic bouquet. We offer translations of ‘I love you’ in seven languages and teach you phrases to break up with someone.
Remember, roses have thorns on the stems. Here's how you can come together or break up.
Coming: I love you.
Breakup line: It’s not you. It’s me.
French Translation
Coming: “Je t’aime”
Breakup line: “Larguer querlqu'un” (refers to casting off the lines for a departing ship)
Italian Translation
Coming: “Ti amo”
Breakup line: “Dare il due di picche a qualcuno” (Giving someone the two of spades)
German Translation
Coming:”Ich liebe dich”
Breakup line: "Jemanden abschießen." (Firing someone off)
Spanish Translation
Coming:”Te amo, te quiero”
Breakup line: "Dar calabazas a alguien.” To give someone pumpkins. (vs. giving them love)
Turkish Translation
Coming: “Seni seviyorum"
Breakup line: “Sorun sende değil, bende.”(It’s not you. It’s me)
Polish Translation
Coming: “kocham Cię”
Breakup line: “"Zerwać z kimś." (Tearing with someone)
Don't forget, these are just some of the translations for 'I love you' and breakup phrases. There are degrees and types of love and those nuances exist to a greater or lesser extent depending on the language. These are the tiles that make up the mosaic of human experience. Isn't it wonderful?
Dig deeper
[How to Say I Love You in 100 of the World’s Most Spoken Languages] How to Say I Love You in 100 of the World’s Most Spoken Languages
[The breaking up clichés of 7 different languages, and what they mean]The breaking up clichés of 7 different languages, and what they mean
This Valentine’s Day we wish you all the best in love and life. Whether you are with the love of your life, in a beautiful relationship with an expiration date, or are quite happy, thank you very much, not being half of a pair, we wish you happiness and deep contentment.
And now a couple of videos related to our theme of translating I love you and breakup lines. We'll starting with a classic song on breaking up:
[Paul Simon - 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover (Official Audio) ]
Let’s go out on a cheery note!